Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Resensi Film "WALL-E"

Pada awal abad ke-22, sebuah perusahaan "raksasa" Buy N Large (BnL) menguasai perekonomian di Bumi, termasuk pemerintahan. Akibat dipenuhi sampah yang tidak didaur-ulang, maka Bumi menjadi sangat tercemar oleh sampah-sampah elektronik, sehingga kelangsungan hidup manusia menjadi terancam. Untuk mencegah kepunahan manusia, Shelby Forthright (Fred Willard) selaku CEO Buy N Large, melakukan pengungsian massal dari Bumi selama lima tahun di atas armada kapal luar angkasa eksekutif bernama axiom yang menyediakan setiap keperluan manusia, dan dilengkapi dengan robot-robot yang semuanya berjalan secara otomatis untuk melayani kebutuhan manusia.
Ratusan-ribu unit robot penghancur sampah yang dinamai dengan WALL•E ditinggalkan di Bumi untuk membersihkan Bumi. Robot-robot tersebut diprogram untuk memadatkan dan menumpuk sampah-sampah elektronik yang telah memenuhi seluruh daratan di Bumi, agar memudahkan untuk peleburan. Tumpukan sampah-sampah elektronik telah dipadatkan dan dikumpulkan oleh robot-robot WALL•E, tumpukan sampah tersebut telah setinggi gedung pencakar langit. Namun, proyek ini dibatalkan karena Forthright memperkirakan bahwa pada tahun 2110 Bumi sudah terlalu tercemar dan sudah tidak memungkinkan untuk dihuni oleh manusia. Pada tahun 2815, kira-kira 700 tahun kemudian, hanya satu WALL•E yang masih berfungsi.
Berabad-abad kehidupan telah dilalui oleh WALL•E, sehingga ia memiliki kecerdasan yang lebih baik dan rasa keingin-tahuan. Ia gemar mengoleksi barang-barang yang menarik di tumpukan sampah yang memenuhi Bumi, mengambil onderdil untuk suku cadangnya dariWALL•E lain yang sudah tidak aktif. Ia sering menonton film musikal tahun 1969 yang berjudul Hello, Dolly! dari kaset video. Video lainnya yang ia nikmati adalah Put on Your Sunday Clothes, dan adegan berpegangan tangan dalam video "It Only Takes a Moment" yang mengajarnya memiliki perasaan.
Pada suatu hari, WALL•E menemukan sebuah bibit tumbuhan, lalu menanamnya dalam sebuah sepatu usang. Tidak lama kemudian, sebuah kapal luar angkasa mendarat di Bumi dan mengeluarkan EVE (Elissa Knight), sebuah robot perempuan yang dikirim oleh pesawat raksasa yang bernama Axiom, ia diprogramkan untuk mencari tanda-tanda kehidupan flora di Bumi. WALL•E jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama dengannya, EVE juga mengagumi kepribadian WALL•E. Sungguh disayangkan, ternyata cinta WALL•E tidak terbalaskan, karena EVE diprogramkan untuk mencari keberadaan tumbuhan di Bumi. Saat WALL•E menunjukkan bibit tumbuhan yang ditemukannya kepada EVE, EVE menyimpan bibit itu ke dalam tubuhnya, setelah itu EVE menjadi non-aktif secara otomatis. WALL•E berusaha melindungi tubuh EVE yang tidak berstatus non-aktif sampai EVE diambil kembali oleh pesawat yang mengantarnya ke Bumi. Dengan rasa gelisah dan panik, WALL•E mengejar pesawat itu. WALL•E berhasil menyusup ke dalam pesawat Axiom.
Setelah berabad-abad hidup dalam mikrogravitasi, manusia di pesawat Axiom banyak kehilangan kalsium, sehingga membuat mereka menjadi sangat gemuk dan tidak mampu berdiri atau berjalan. Aktivitas manusia sepenuhnya dilayani oleh robot. Pilot pesawat Axiom adalah Kapten B. McCrea (Jeff Garlin) juga memerintahkan segala tugasnya kepada sistem autopilot pesawat yang bernama AUTO (suara program MacInTalk). Saat WALL•E mengikuti EVE ke dalam kapal, kelakuannya yang tidak biasa, menyebabkan manusia dan robot bertindak tidak seperti biasanya. Khususnya M-O, robot dekontaminasi yang diprogramkan untuk membersih setiap pencemaran di dalam pesawat , ia mengejar WALL•E supaya ia dapat membersihkan kotoran asing yang bersumber dari Bumi, dan dua orang manusia bernama John (John Ratzenberger) dan Mary (Kathy Najimy) yang sebelumnya hanya melihat melalui media elektronik berupa monitor, sehingga mereka melihat pemandangan secara langsung karena WALL•E membuat mereka terlepas dari monitor yang terpasang di tempat duduk mereka.
Setelah sampai di dalam pesawat, EVE diaktifkan kembali dan diprogram untuk mengantar bibit tadi kepada McCrea agar diletakkan dalam alat pendeteksi yang dinamai holo-detector. Alat tersebut adalah sebuah mesin pendeteksi yang berfungsi memberikan informasi bahwa manusia dapat kembali hidup di Bumi, dan akan mengembalikan manusia ke Bumi secara otomatis setelah mendeteksi bibit tadi yang merupakan pedoman yang memungkinkan manusia untuk kembali hidup di Bumi. Sewaktu akan mendeteksi tumbuhan yang terdapat dalam tubuh EVE, bibit itu hilang. EVE dianggap telah rusak dan dikirim ke bagian perbaikan robot bersama WALL•E. Saat EVE diperiksa, WALL•Emenyangka EVE akan dihancurkan oleh mesin pemeriksa tersebut, lalu ia merampas senjata plasma EVE dan menembakkannya, sehingga membebaskan robot-robot rusak lainnya di ruang perbaikan. Tindakan WALL•E menjadi ancaman bagi setiap penghuni pesawat Axiom, EVE dan WALL•E menjadi buronan yang dianggap robot berbahaya. EVE yang tidak tahan dengan sikap WALL•E, mencoba mengantarnya kembali ke Bumi dengan menggunakan sebuah kabin.
Saat asisten utama McCrea (GO-4) tiba dan menyimpan bibit yang hilang itu ke dalam kabin; GO-4 yang mencurinya tanpa diketahui McCrea. Melihat bibit tersebut, WALL•E memasuki kabin tempat diletaknya bibit tersebut. GO-4 akan menghancurkan kabin tersebut dengan mengaktifkan program penghancuran secara otomatis sehingga akan meledak setelah hitungan mundur 20 detik. Saat itu WALL•E berada di dalam kabin tersebut, namun WALL•E berhasil meloloskan diri bersama bibit itu sedetik sebelum musnahnya kabin tadi. EVE lega karenaWALL•E menyelamatkan bibit itu dan mereka terbang dengan bahagianya di angkasa sekitar pesawat Axiom.
EVE dan WALL•E mengembalikan bibit itu kepada McCrea. Kapten McCrea ingin mengetahui bagaimana keadaan Bumi pada saat ini, lalu McCrea memutar rekaman yang direkam oleh kamera yang terpasang pada EVE, yang membuat EVE menyaksikan usaha WALL•E melindunginya ketika ia dalam status non-aktif. Akhirnya, EVE juga jatuh cinta pada WALL•E. Terpesona oleh gambar-gambar kehidupan zaman dulu di Bumi sebelum berdirinya Buy N Large, McCrea perihatin melihat kerusakan alam di Bumi yang digambarkan dalam rekaman EVE. Kemudian McCrea merencanakan agar manusia kembali ke Bumi untuk memulihkan segalanya. Namun, AUTO menegaskan bahwa manusia tidak boleh kembali ke Bumi, lalu ia terpaksa menampilkan tayangan berupa rekaman Shelby Forthright yang memerintahkan semua autopilot agar tidak mengembalikan manusia ke Bumi, karena proyek pembersihan yang diusahakan telah gagal. AUTO yang dirancang untuk menuruti perintah tersebut, memberontak dan membuang bibit tumbuhan tersebut. Dalam memperebutkan bibit itu, AUTO dengan ganasnya menyerang WALL•E yang mencoba melindungi bibit itu dan menekan tombol non-aktif di badan EVE. WALL•E dan EVE dibuang ke tempat pembuangan sampah bersamaan dengan bibit tadi, dan mengunci McCrea di dalam kamarnya.
Di tempat pembuangan sampah, EVE kembali aktif setelah sebuah tombol yang ada di dada EVE tersentuh oleh serangga. EVE berusaha mencari WALL•E, setelah menemukannya EVE melihat WALL•E telah rusak berat. Ia berusaha memperbaiki WALL•E, tapi usahanya sia-sia karena tidak ada komponen tubuh WALL•E yang cocok dengan yang ia temukan. Pada saat proses pembuangan sampah diaktifkan, gerbang pembuangan terbuka. Saat itu juga datang M-O yang mengejar WALL•E karena ingin membersihkan kotoran asing yang melekat di tubuh WALL•E. Kemudian M-O terjepit gerbang yang tertutup setelah sampah beserta WALL•E dan EVE dikeluarkan dari tempat pembuangan. Gerbang tidak sepenuhnya tertutup karena M-O terjepit pada gerbang saat mengejar WALL•E untuk membersihkan kotoran asing. Kesempatan ini digunakan oleh EVE untuk menyelamatkan diri dari pembuangan.
Setelah berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari tempat pembuangan sampah dengan bantuan M-O, EVE menolak perintah otomatis yang telah diprogramkan untuk membawa bibit ke pesawat. Ia masih berusaha untuk memperbaiki WALL•E, tapi WALL•E berharap EVE menuruti perintah tersebut sambil mengingatkan EVE jika seandainya mereka berhasil kembali ke Bumi,WALL•E dapat diselamatkan dengan suku cadang yang disimpannya.
WALL•E dan EVE membawa bibit tadi untuk diletakkan di mesin pendeteksi yang ada di pesawat Axiom dengan bantuan M-O. Mereka berdua dibantu McCrea yang menyuruh mereka agar cepat ke mesin pendeteksi tersebut, mereka juga dibantu robot-robot rusak yang membantu mereka dengan melawan robot-robot penjaga. McCrea membohongi AUTO dengan mengatakan bahwa bibit itu ada padanya, dengan mengelabui AUTO melalui visual dari monitor. Kemudian AUTO mendatangi McCrea, lalu mereka berkelahi. McCrea berhasil mengaktifkan mesin pendeteksi, mengakibatkan AUTO memiringkan posisi Axiom, mengakibatkan manusia-manusia yang tidak dapat berjalan menjadi berjatuhan dan tertumpuk di sudut pesawat. Auto mencoba menutup mesin pendeteksi tersebut, namun ditahan WALL-E dengan mengorbankan tubuhnya. McCrea berusaha untuk berdiri dan berjalan untuk mendekati dan mengalahkan AUTO. Pada saat perkelahian dengan AUTO, McCrea melihat tombol merah yang terbuka di bagian tubuh AUTO. Lalu McCrea menekan tombol tersebut, sehingga AUTO yang merupakan pengendali pesawat Axiom menjadi berstatus manual. McCrea dapat dengan sepenuhnya mengendalikan AUTO, dan mengembalikan posisi Axiom ke posisi semula. Akhirnya, bibit berhasil dimasukkan ke dalam mesin pendeteksi (holo-detector), dan melepaskan WALL•E yang bertambah rusak karena terjepit mesin pendeteksi yang akan menutup. Setelah bibit tadi dimasukkan ke dalam holo-detector, pesawat Axiom menuju ke Bumi dengan kecepatan cahaya.
Setelah mendarat di Bumi, EVE bergegas memperbaiki dan menghidupkan kembali WALL•E dengan menggunakan suku cadang yang ada di tempat tinggal WALL•E. Sayangnya,WALL•E telah rusak berat dan hampir semua komponennya ditukar oleh EVE dengan yang baru. Meskipun WALL•E telah diperbaiki dengan sempurna, tapi WALL•E bukanlah WALL•Eyang dikenal EVE. WALL•E telah menjadi WALL•E yang diprogram untuk mengerjakan tugasnya dan tidak memiliki perasaan dan ingatan yang dimiliki WALL•E yang EVE kenal. EVE sedih karena WALL•E yang dicintainya sudah tiada, EVE memegang tangan WALL•E lalu menempelkan kepalanya ke kepala WALL•E (bermakna ciuman). Percikan listrik dari “ciuman” tadi memulihkan ingatan dan kepribadian WALL•E, lalu dia dapat mengingat EVE dan bahagia karena dapat berpegangan tangan dengan EVE.
Manusia dan robot bekerjasama dalam memperbaiki kehidupan di Bumi dengan harapan baru, di bawah pimpinan McCrea. Akhirnya, kehidupan yang normal dapat dinikmati kembali oleh manusia. Seiring waktu dan kerjasama manusia dengan robot, Bumi kembali normal seperti sedia kala. Mengenai kelanjutan kehidupan manusia beserta para robot di Bumi, dapat dilihat pada lukisan-lukisan yang terdapat pada kredit penutup dalam film animasi ini.

Resensi Film "Up"

Carl Fredricksen (Edward Asner) adalah bocah pendiam yang bersahabat dengan cewek Tomboy bernama Ellie, yang ternyata sama-sama mengidolakan Charles Muntz, seorang penjelajah. Kemudian Carl dan Ellie menikah. Kehidupan mereka yang diperlihatkan tanpa adegan berbicara terlihat sangat bahagia, dengan musik yang ceria dan obsesi pertama mereka adalah memiliki anak. Setelah mempersiapkan segalanya, kenyataan berubah ketika Ellie dinyatakan oleh dokter bahwa ia tidak dapat hamil. Sesaat musik menjadi lebih lambat dan sedih, namun kembali menjadi semangat saat Carl dan Ellie berusaha menyisihkan pendapatan mereka untuk terbang ke Paradise Falls, tempat Charles Muntz tadi. Namun, tetap saja halangan selalu muncul sehingga mereka selalu memakai uang dari tabungan tadi, sampai akhirnya mereka berdua menjadi kakek-nenek. Carl, yang menyadari obsesi mereka belum tercapai membeli tiket ke Amerika Selatan, dan ingin memberikan kejutan untuk Ellie. Namun, sebelum impiannya tercapai, Ellie terlebih dahulu meninggal dunia. Hal ini menyebabkan Carl benar-benar kehilangan semangat hidup dan menjadi pendiam dan tertutup.

Pagi itu, seperti biasanya Carl bangun pagi dan menjalankan aktivitasnya. Ia keluar, duduk dikursi rumahnya dan zoom out bahwa ternyata rumahnya ada ditengah-tengah pekerjaan konstruksi, mengisyaratkan bahwa rumahnya juga akan digusur sebentar lagi. Ia pergi untuk mengecek kotak surat, dan sempat berbincang-bincang dengan salah satu pekerja konstruksi. Saat sedang menonton TV, ia bertemu dengan Russell (Jordan Nagai), seorang pramuka yang bersemangat dan akan membantunya melakukan apa saja. Setelah ditipu oleh Carl, Russell pergi dan Carl melihat kotak suratnya hampir lepas karena ditabrak sebuah tronton. Carl marah dan memukul salah satu petugas, membuatnya diseret ke pengadilan dan akhirnya hak untuk rumah dan tanahnya jatuh ketangan bos dari pekerja konstruksi tadi. Setelah itu, ia dikabarkan bahwa besok pagi akan dijemput oleh panti jompo. Saat ia akan membereskan pakaiannya, ia melihat buku petualangan dari Ellie dan menyadari apa yang tidak dilakukannya. Malam berlalu dan pagi datang.
Petugas panti jompo telah siap didepan rumah Carl, dan Carl meminta sedikit waktu untuk berpamitan pada rumahnya. Saat petugas tadi menuju mobil, ternyata rumah Carl telah dipasangi sepuluh ribu balon gas helium, tekanan balon yang sangat kuat membuat retakan diseluruh bagian bawah rumah, dan menerbangkan rumah tersebut. Carl bersuka cita karena ia berhasil memindahkan rumahnya dan Ellie dan bersiap untuk terbang ke Paradise Falls. Saat sedang santai di dalam rumahnya, ia terkejut mendengar ketukan pintu yang sama saat Russell datang tadi. Ia sempat tidak mengacuhkannya, namun akhirnya ia buka pintunya dan menyadari bahwa Russell benar-benar terbawa bersamanya. Dan dimulailah petualangan mereka, pertama mereka menghadapi sebuah awan hujan dan petir, yang menyebabkan Carl pingsan. Setelah ia sadar, ia tahu bahwa ia telah sampai di Paradise Falls, namun tidak bisa kembali kedalam rumahnya karena ia terjatuh. Lalu ia dan Russell berjalan sambil membawa rumah tersebut dengan menariknya dengan tali.
Dihutan, Russell menemukan Kevin, seekor burung raksasa yang menyerupai burung unta, dan mereka menjadi sahabat baik karena Kevin menyukai cokelat, dan Russell punya banyak coklat. Carl sempat tidak menyukai Kevin, sampai ia bertemu lagi dengan Dug, seekor anjing yang dapat bicara dengan sebuah translate collar. Mereka berempat mengalami petualangan, sementara Dug mempunyai tiga teman (atau musuh) anjing yang diberi nama Alfa, Beta, dan Delta. Lalu Carl tahu bahwa yang mempunyai Dug, Alfa, Beta, Delta, dan anjing-anjing lainnya adalah Charles Muntz, pahlawannya dari kecil. Charles Muntz yang diusir karena telah menyebarkan berita bohong tentang makhluk asing dari Paradise Falls ternyata tidak salah, ia mempunyai susunan tulang tersebut, dan akhirnya Carl menyadari bahwa tulang tersebut sangat mirip dengan Kevin. Saat Charles Muntz tahu bahwa Carl memiliki Kevin, ia menyuruh anjing-anjingnya untuk mengejar Carl dan Russell serta Kevin yang melarikan diri. Mereka sempat akan tertangkap, namun gagal tertangkap karena bantuan dari Dug. Setelah sempat selamat, Charles Muntz benar-benar menyudutkan mereka dan berhasil mendapatkan Kevin, sementara Carl memutuskan untuk tidak menyelamatkan Kevin dan tinggal di Paradise Falls.
Carl, yang kembali menemukan buku petualangan dari Ellie, melihat bahwa kali ini yang dilakukannya juga salah, saat ia melihat berbagai foto-fotonya dan Ellie saat mereka masih bersama. Lalu ia melihat tulisan Ellie "Thanks for the adventure. Got a New one! Ellie." dan sadar bahwa ia harus menyelamatkan Kevin. Ia lalu keluar untuk bicara dengan Russell yang kesal terhadapnya, namun ternyata Russell sudah pergi duluan mengejar kapal raksasa Muntz dengan balon-balon dari rumah Carl. Carl berusaha menyusul Russell, yang ternyata disana tertangkap oleh Muntz. Setelah menyelamatkan Russell, ia menyelamatkan Kevin, namun bertarung dengan Muntz. Setelah Russell membawa rumah Carl keatas kapal raksasa tempat Carl, Kevin dan Dug berada, mereka bersiap untuk pergi, namun Muntz menembaki balon dirumahnya dengan senapan. Carl tidak dapat bergerak karena ia menahan tali rumah tersebut, namun setelah ia mengecoh Muntz, ia menyuruh Russell, Kevin dan Dug untuk berpegangan ditali yang ia pegang, sementara Muntz jatuh dari ketinggian dan tidak diketahui bagaimana nasibnya. Mereka bersuka cita karena berhasil membuat Muntz kalah, namun Carl merasa sedih karena rumahnya dan Ellie jatuh dari ketinggian tersebut.
Russell dan Carl, pulang ketempat asalnya dengan kapal raksasa Muntz dan mereka menghadiri upacara yang diikuti Russell. Russell mengangkat Carl sebagai ayah angkatnya, sementara Kevin sudah pulang ketempat asalnya dan Dug menjadikan Carl sebagai pemilik barunya. Mereka makan es krim dikedai es krim, sambil bermain-main menebak warna mobil. Dug, Carl, dan Russell hidup bahagia, sementara saat kembali ke Paradise Falls, rumah Carl dan Ellie mendarat dengan sempurna di Paradise Falls, tepat seperti yang mereka impikan.

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Secondand Serenade - Fall for you

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm your's to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Secondand Serenade - Vulnerable

Share with me the blankets that your wrapped in
because its cold outside cold outside its cold outside
share with me the secrets that you kept in
because its cold inside cold inside its cold inside

and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that your scared like me so
let's pretend we're alone
and I know you may be scared
and I know were unprepared
but I don't care

tell me tell me
what makes you think that you are invincible
I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure
please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable

I was born to tell you I love you
isn't that a song already
I get a B in originality
and it's true I cant go on without you
your smile makes me see clearer
if you could only see in the mirror what I see

and your slowly shaking finger tips
show that your scared like me so
let's pretend we're alone
and I know you may be scared
and I know were unprepared
but I don't care

tell me tell me
what makes you think that you are invincible
I can see it in your eyes that you're so sure
please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable

slow down girl your not going anywhere
just wait around and see
maybe I am much more you never no what lies ahead
I promise I can be anyone I can be anything
just because you were hurt doesn't mean you shouldn't bleed
I can be anyone anything I promise I can be what you need

tell me tell me
what makes you think that you are invincible
I can see it in your eyes that your so sure
please don't tell me that I am the only one that's vulnerable

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmania.com/vulnerable_lyrics_secondhand_serenade.html
All about Secondhand Serenade: http://www.musictory.com/music/Secondhand+Serenade

Secondhand Serenade - Half Alive

It's four AM, I'm waking up to your perfume
Don't get up, I'll get throught on my own
I don't know if I'm home
Or if I lost the way into your room
I'm spiraling into my doom
I'm feeling half alive but I know one day
You and I will be free,

To live and die by our own rules,
Despite the fact that men are fools.

I'm almost alive, and I need you to try
And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.

Well excuse me while I get killed softly,
Heart slows down and I can hardly tell you I'm okay
At least 'til yesterday,
You know you got me off my highest guard,
Believe me when I say it's hard.
We'll get through this tonight
And I know one day you and I will be free

To live and die by our own rules,
Despite the fact that men are fools.

I'm almost alive, and I need you to try
And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.

And you touch my hand ever so slightly
(Girl we're not ready for this yet)
And tge deadly look she cast upon me
I won't regret, I won't regret
I won't regret. I won't regret...

And I was trying to disappear,
But you got me wrapped around you
I can hardly breathe without you
I was trying to disappear
But I got lost in your eyes now,
You brought me down to size now.

I'm almost alive
And I need you to try and save me.
It's okay that we're dying
But I need to survive tonight, tonight

I'm almost alive, and I need you to try
And save me.
It's okay that we're dying,
But I need to survive tonight, tonight.
I need to survive tonight, tonight

Secondand Serenade - Awake

With every appearance by you, blinding my eyes,
I can hardly remember the last time I felt like I do.
You're an angel disguised.

And you're lying real still,
But your heart beat is fast just like mine.
And the movie's long over,
That's three that have passed, one more's fine.

Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.

I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue,
But I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival.

And if it's a hero you want,
I can save you. Just stay here.
Your whispers are priceless.
Your breathe, it is dear. So please stay near.

Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.

Say my name. I just want to hear you.
Say my name. So I know it's true.
You're changing me. You're changing me.
You showed me how to live.
So just say. So just say,

That you'll stay awake for me.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Hey Monday - 6 Month

You're the direction I follow to get home
When I feel like I can't go on you tell me to go
And it's like I can't feel a thing without you around
And don't mind me if I get weak in the knees
Cause you have that effect on me
You do

Everything you say
Every time we kiss I can't think straight
But I'm okay
And I can't think of anybody else
Who I hate to miss as much as I hate missing you

Months going strong now and no goodbye
Always by my side
Meant to be together
Meant for no one but each other
You love me
I love you harder so

Everything you say
Every time we kiss I can't think straight
But I'm okay
And I can't think of anybody else
Who I hate to miss as much as I hate missing you

So please give me your hand
So please give me a lesson on how to steal
Steal the heart
As fast as you stole mine
As you stole mine yeah

Oh and everything you say
Every time we kiss I can't think straight
But I'm okay
And I can't think of anybody else
Who I hate to miss as much as I hate missing you

So please give me your hand
So please just take my hand

Sterling Knight - HERO

I'm no superman
I can't take your hand
And fly you anywhere
You want to go (yeah)

I can't read your mind
Like a billboard sign
And tell you everything
You wanna hear but

I'll be your hero

I, I can be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity I'll be unstoppable

I, yeah I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy
With heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
I'll be your hero

(Could you be the one [x3])
I'll be your hero
(Could you be the one [x3])
I'll be your hero

Searching high and low
Trying every row
If I see your face
I'll barely know (yeah)

I put my trust in fate
If you'll will come my way
And if it's bright
It's undeniable (yeah)

I'll be your hero

I, I can be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity I'll be unstoppable
I, yeah I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy
WIth heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
I'll be your hero

(Could you be the one [x3])
I'll be your hero
(Could you be the one [x3])
I'll be your hero

So incredible
Some kind of miracle
When it's meant to be
I'll become a hero
So I'll wait, wait
Wait, wait for you

I'll be your hero

I, I can be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity I'll be unstoppable
(Be unstoppable)

I, yeah I believe in destiny
I may be an ordinary guy
With heart and soul
But if you're the one for me
I'll be your hero

(Could you be the one [x3])
I'll be your hero
(Could you be the one [x3])
I'll be your hero

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Morphology and Life Cycle of Flies Drossophyla



1.   To determine the general morphology contained on Drossophila sp.
2.   Able to distinguish between the female fly and male flies.
3.   To study the stages of the life cycle of Drosophila.
4.   To find out how the stages of the life cycle of fruit flies.
5.   To discover how to maintain Drossophila sp.


Drosophila sp is a winged animal, and measuring kecil.Maka from morphological observations that these animals can be by using aids such as LUV or glass pembesar.Genus species.Species Drosophila has many of the most numerous and widespread is the summer melanogaster.Selama Drosophila species There are in all parts of the world that is usually gathered the ripe fruit.
Drosophila has a different morphology cirri between males and females. In the Drosophila male has a smaller body size when compared with the third segment betina.Memiliki abdomen section and has a comb on the female kelamin.Sedangkan relatively larger size, has six segments on the abdomen and has no sex comb. (Soemartomo.SS 1979)
In Drosophila diremuka 4 pairs of chromosomes. In male and female fly flies generally are the same, but there is little difference in one of the male chromosomes are like a hook curve. (Sepoetro.D.1975)
In Drosophila males and females can be easily separated in the form of segment-segmenabdomen.Abdomen females have tapered tip and patterns of lines that are different from the abdomen jantan.Kelamin flies determined in part by the X chromosome which is owned individu.Nor, alnya female fly will have 2 chromosome X. The male flies have only one X chromosome plus one Y chromosome Y heterokromatik.Pada fruit flies do not have an important role in determining the type of chromosome kelamin.PAda Drosophilla few active genes. (Goodenough 1984)
In Drosophila sp characteristic of a mutant is expressed by a combination of one or a few letters and numbers, according to the name and symbol that was first discovered by the inventor to tersebut.Sedabgkan mutant flies that normally berfenotip dibert + sign. This Sedah held since Morgan started research with this animal. For properties that are dominant cirri are written in capital letters will reverse if the recessive gene kecil.Pada written with letters that have a lot of old ale diketemuakn alleles marked with antlers and a letter written rather to atas.Perhatika was banar that each code applies tosaja.Dengan one gene of this, if there is more than one gene is abnormal, then the individual tersebuat can have more than one symbol.Walau demikan seldom can one even two mutants with more than 5 gene that is not normal.
In the Drosophila male flies can be distinguished from the female fly Midah by looking front legs, genitals and abdomen ends and the form abdomennya.Pada foreleg tarsal both males in a group there is a rather precise hair arranged as a comb called Sex sisirkelamin comn. Additionally, smaller males has an end and blunt abdominal segments hitam.Jumlah colored males because only 7 pieces last segment together.(Nio.T.K.1990).


Among the first to use fruit flies as the object of Genetics is the study of Thomas Hunt Morgan who managed to find coherence discovery of sex. Species of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, a kind of common insects that are generally harmless, which is eating fungus that grows on the fruit. Fruit flies are insects that easy to breed. From one marriage alone can produce hundreds of offspring, and a new generation can be bred every two weeks. This characteristic makes the fruit fly into an organism that is well suited for genetic studies.
Here is the classification of Drosophila melanogaster (Borror, 1992):
Kingdom               : Animalia       
Phyllum                 : Arthropods
Class                      : Insecta
Order                     : Diptera
Family                   : Drosophilidae
Genus                    : Drosophila
Species                  : Drosophila melanogaster
There are several advantages of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) so that many were subjected to genetic experiments or materials, including:
1.      Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) are easily maintained in the laboratory because the food is very simple, requires very little space and his body strong enough. Usually the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) bred in bottles of medium, the medium may consist of:
• Molasses
• For Molasses
• For Bananas
• The mix of bananas with cassava in the ratio 6:1
This type most widely used medium is the medium that consists of a mixture of bananas with cassava. Type of medium is also typically used for maintenance.
2.      At room temperature (room temperature), fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) can complete its life cycle in approximately 12 days.
3.      The numbers in nature are very abundant and easily found.
4.      Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) can produce offspring in large numbers.
5.      Relatively small number of chromosomes, namely 4 pairs and have a "Giant Chromosme." Chromosome is present in the cells of the salivary glands in the amount 100 times that of ordinary chromosomes, so easily observed under a light microscope.
6.      Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) has a variety of different properties that can be identified with the descendants of enlargement weak. Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) has some kind of mutant (individuals resulting from the mutation) that can be observed with a magnification of the weak as well.
7.      The development of easy to observe their life cycle, because it occurs outside the body from egg, larva, pupa to become an adult (imago)
      Drosophila melanogaster has a body length of about 3 to 4 mm, brownish-yellow body.(Borror, 1992). Drosophila egg-shaped oval of small objects and is usually placed on the surface of the food. Adult females begin to lay eggs on the second day after the adult flies and increased up to a week until the females laying 50-75 eggs per day and the maximum possible within 10 days of 400-500 fruits. (Silvia, 2003). Drosophila egg is coated by two layers, namely a thin vitellin membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm and a thin but strong membrane (chorion) at the outside and in the anterior part there are two tangkai tipis. Chorion has a tough outer skin of the egg. (Borror, 1992).
In males and females Drosophilla easily separated in benttuk sehmen ssegmen abdomen. Abdomen btina have tapered ends and also lines the abdominal jantan.Kelamin flies differently than specified ssebagiam X chromosome of the individual female fly will have a second X chromosome, male flies must memilliki sedanngkan an x ​​chromosome y heterokromatik ditanbah 1. Y chromosome in fruit flies have no role in the determination prenting genius Drosophillia sex chromosome genes are active only ssedikit.
Sex Links at Drosophilla through crossing red-eyed female fly with a white male flies.Morgan stated that the gene or sifatyang depending on the sex chromosomes are called coherence sex / sex links.
Based on the results after crossing it in the y chromosome genes are not responsible for the color and red eye color factor that way about sex white.
At the anterior end there is mikrophyle, where spermatozoa into the egg. Although many sperm into the mikrophyle but only one that can berfertilisasi with females and the other pronuleus immediately berabsorpsi in the development of embryonic tissue (Borror, 1992).
The development started soon after fertilization, which consists of two periods. First, the embryonic period in the egg during fertilization, until the young larvae hatch from eggs and this occurs within approximately 24 hours. And at times like this, larvae did not stop, stop to eat (Silvia, 2003).
Periode kedua adalah periode setelah menetas dari telur dan disebut perkembangan postembrionik yang dibagi menjadi tiga tahap, yaitu larva, pupa, dan imago (fase seksual dengan perkembangan pada sayap). Formasi lainnya pada perkembangan secara seksual terjadi pada saat dewasa (Silvia, 2003).
Drosophila larvae are white, segmented, shaped like worms, and dug with his mouth close to black on the head. For respiratory problems in the trachea, there is a pair of spiracles are both located on the anterior and posterior ends (Silvia, 2003).
When the cuticle is no longer soft, young larvae periodically sheds its skin to reach adult size. Discarded the old cuticle and the newly expanded integuments with eating a high speed. During the period of change of skin, called instar larvae. The first instar larvae after hatching until the first change of skin. And indications instar larvae are the size and number of teeth in the mouth black. After the turn of the second skin, the larvae (third instar) until ready to eat form the pupa. In the last stage, the third instar larval merayp onto the surface of the food medium to a dry place and stop moving. And if it can be summarized, in Drosophila, cell-cell destruction occurs on a procedural change of larval skin (molting), which takes place four times with three stadia instar: the larvae of instar 1 to instar II instar larvae from instar II to III, from instar III to pupa and from pupa to imago (Ashburner, 1985).
During the meal, the larvae create channels in the medium, and if there are many channels of the culture growth can be said to be going well. Mature larvae usually crawl up on the wall of the bottle or on tissue paper in a bottle. And here the larvae will attach themselves to a dry place with glue sperti fluid produced by the salivary glands and then form puypa (cocoon).
When the larvae of Drosophila form a shell of the pupa, the body shortens, the cuticle becomes hard and pigmented, without the head and wings are called larval instar 4.Pupa formation characterized by the formation of the head, wing pads and legs.Puparium (outer form pupae) using a cuticle on the third instar. At this stage pupae, larvae in an inactive state, and in these circumstances, the larvae change into adult flies (Ashburner, 1985).
Adult structure was evident during the period of pupal dormancy in the small network the same as in the embryonic stage. Network restrictions preadult (before adulthood) is called anlagen. The main function of the pupa is for development outside of the anlagen to the adult form (Silvia, 2003).
Adults in Drosophila melanogaster in a life cycle about 9 days old. Once out of the pupa, flies the colors are still pale and not spread their wings. Meanwhile, the female fly's mating after the age of 8 hours and will store the sperm in a vast number of male fruit flies.
Drosophila melanogaster is a species of fruit flies that can be found in rotting fruit.Drosophila has been used for years in the study of genetics and animal behavior.
Moreover, Drosophila is also classified into sub-orders Cyclophorpha (grouping of flies that contained pupanya third instar skin, has a jaw hooks) and included in the imago hatching Acaliptrata series with the exit of the anterior part of pupae (Wheeler, 1981).
Fruit flies and other Artrophoda have modular construction, a series of regular segments. this segment is set three main body parts, ayitu; head, thorax, and abdomen.as other bilateral symmetric animals, Drosophila has anterior and posterior axis (head-tail) and the dorsoventral axis (back-belly). In Drosophila, cytoplasmic determinant that is already in the egg provides positional information for both the placement of this axis even before fertilization. after fertilization, the information properly and will eventually lead to the typical structure of each segment.
The other common feature of Drosophila melanogaster are:
1.   Body color brownish yellow with black ring at the back of the body.
2.   Small, between 3-5 mm.
3.   Edge of the wing veins (costal vein) has two parts terinteruptus close to his body.
4.   Grouse (Arista) typically in the form of feathers, has a branching 7-12.
5.   Posterior Crossvein generally straight, not curved.
6.   Compound eyes are round rather ellipse and colored red.
7.   There oceli eye on the top of the head with a smaller size than the compound eyes.
8.   Thorax hairy-fur with a white base color, while the five-segmented abdomen and black stripes
9.   Wing length, transparent in color, and position stems from the thorax.

The characteristic that distinguish male and female Drosophila, among others:
1. smaller body size than females
1. larger bodu size than males
2. tha wings are shorter than the female wing
2. the wing is longer than the male wing
3. there are comb sex(sex comb)
3. there is no sex combs(sex comb)
4. more blunt abdominal tip and black
4. abdominal tip tapering

Metamorphosis in Drosophila, including metamorphosis, from egg - larval instars I - larval instar II - III instar larva - pupa - imago. Phase development of Drosophila melanogaster eggs can be seen more clearly in the picture below.
The development started soon after fertilization, which consists of two periods. First, the embryonic period in the egg during fertilization, until the young larvae hatch from eggs and this occurs within approximately 24 hours. And at times like this, larvae did not stop, stop to eat (Silvia, 2003)
The second period is the period after hatching from the egg and is called the development postembrionik divided into three stages: larva, pupa, and imago (sexually phase with the development of the wing). Other formations on the sexual development occurs in adulthood (Silvia, 2003).
Drosophila egg-shaped oval of small objects and is usually placed on the surface of the food. Adult females begin to lay eggs on the second day after the adult flies and increased up to a week until the females laying 50-75 eggs per day and the maximum possible within 10 days of 400-500 fruits. (Silvia, 2003). 
Drosophila egg is coated by two layers, namely a thin vitellin membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm and a thin but tough membrane on the outside and in the anterior there are two tangkai.tipis. Chorion has a tough outer skin of the egg (Borror, 1992). Drosophila larvae are white, segmented, shaped like worms, and dug with his mouth close to black on the head. For respiratory problems in the trachea, there is a pair of spiracles are both located on the anterior and posterior ends (Silvia, 2003).
When the cuticle is no longer soft, young larvae periodically sheds its skin to reach adult size. Discarded the old cuticle and the newly expanded integuments with eating a high speed. During the period of change of skin, called instar larvae. The first instar larvae after hatching until the first change of skin. And indications instar larvae are the size and number of teeth in the mouth black. After the turn of the second skin, the larvae (third instar) until ready to eat form the pupa. In the last stage, the third instar larvae crawl to the top surface of the medium of food to a dry place and stop moving. And if it can be summarized, in Drosophila, cell-cell destruction occurs on a procedural change of larval skin (molting), which takes place four times with three stadia instar: the larvae of instar 1 to instar II instar larvae from instar II to III, from instar III to pupa and from pupa to imago (Ashburner, 1985).
During the meal, the larvae create channels in the medium, and if there are many channels of the culture growth can be said to be going well. Mature larvae usually crawl up on the wall of the bottle or on tissue paper in a bottle. And here the larvae will attach themselves to a dry place with a glue-like fluid produced by the salivary glands and then form a pupa.
When the larvae of Drosophila form a shell of the pupa, the body shortens, the cuticle becomes hard and pigmented, without the head and wings are called larval instar 4.Pupa formation characterized by the formation of the head, wing pads and legs.Puparium (outer form pupae) using a cuticle on the third instar. At this stage pupae, larvae in an inactive state, and in these circumstances, the larvae change into adult flies (Ashburner, 1985). Adult structure was evident during the period of pupal dormancy in the small network the same as in the embryonic stage. Network restrictions preadult (before adulthood) is called anlagen. The main function of the pupa is for development outside of the anlagen to the adult form (Silvia, 2003).
Adults in Drosophila melanogaster in a life cycle about 9 days old. Once out of the pupa, flies the colors are still pale and not spread their wings. Meanwhile, the female fly will marry after the age of 8 hours and will store the sperm in a vast number of male fruit flies. At the anterior end there is mikrophyle, where spermatozoa into the egg. Although many sperm into the mikrophyle but only one that can berfertilisasi with females and the other pronuleus immediately berabsorpsi in the development of embryonic tissue.(Borror, 1992)
Factors affecting growth in Drosophila melanogaster life cycle including the following:
a.       Environmental temperature
Drosophila melanogaster during the 8-11 day cycles in ideal conditions. Ideal condition in question is the temperature around 25-28 ° C. At this temperature the flies will have one round in an optimal cycle. While at low temperatures, or about 180C, the time required to complete its life cycle is relatively longer and slower that is approximately 18-20 days. At 30 ° C, adult flies that grow will be sterile.
b.      Food Media Availability
Drosophila melanogaster number of eggs released will decrease if the shortages of food. Adult fruit flies that lack of food will produce small-sized larvae. These larvae are capable of forming pupae are small, but often fail to develop into mature individuals.Some can become adults who can only produce a few eggs. Viability of the eggs is also influenced by the type and amount of food eaten by the larvae of females (Shorrocks, 1972).
c.       Maintenance Level Density Bottle
Bottles should be filled with medium medium sufficient fruit and not too dense. In addition, fruit flies that had bred in the bottle should not be too much, just a few pairs only. In Drosophila melanogaster with the ideal conditions where there is enough space (not too dense) adult individuals can live up to approximately 40 days. However, if the condition of the bottles is too dense medium will lead to declining egg production and the increasing number of deaths in adult individuals.
d.      Light Intensity
Drosophila melanogaster prefers dim lighting and will experience slower growth during his stay in the dark.

·         Drosophila sp
·         Ether
·         Microscope
·         Nescafe bottle
·         Cotton
·         Plaster

1.   Setting up a bottle of Nescafe
2.   Putting cotton in the plaster on the bottle cap
3.   Giving the Ether on cotton
4.  Anesthetize Drosophilla sp
5.  See it under the microscope
6.   Write and illustrate the results

a.       Morphology of fruit flies


Sex: female
1.      Compound eyes
Shape: round
Color: red
2.      Head: round
Color: black

3.      Torax: invisible
4.      Abdomen: tip of the abdomen black, blunt, consisting of six segments.
5.      Wing
Shape: elongated oval
Color: transparent
6.      Size
Length: 4mm
Width: 2mm
7.      feet: three pairs


Sex: male
1.      Compound eyes
Color: red
2.   Head: round
3.      Torax: invisible
4.      Abdomen:
consists of six segments, the tip of abdomen pointed
5.       Wing
Shape: elongated oval
Color: transparent
6. Size
Length: 3mm
Width: 1mm
7. Legs: 3 pair

b.      The life cycle of fruit flies
Day / Date
Penangkapan lalat buah
Belum ada
Jumlah masih tetap
Mati 1 ekor, larva belum muncul
Mati 3 ekor, larva belum muncul
Mulai ada larva
Ada larva
Ada larva
Mulai menjadi Pupa

In the lab entitled "Morphology and Life Cycle of Drosophila Flies" held on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 held at the laboratory F MIPA UNY. This lab is divided into two forms of activities, namely activities regarding Morhology of Drosophila which aims to determine the general morphology of Drosophila sp. and for to be able to distinguish the sex of Drosophila, while the second activity is the Life Cycle of Drosophila which aims to study the life cycle stages of Drosophila, to determine the length of life cycle stages of Drosophila and to find out how to maintain Drosophila.
Drosophila melanogaster is a species of fruit flies that can be found in rotting fruit. Drosophila melanogaster is a species of the order Diptera, or flies in the family Drosophillidae. This species is commonly known as the common fruit flies or vinegar flies. This species is one of the most commonly used model organisms in biology, including studies in genetics, physiology, microbial pathogenesis and evolution of life history because they are easy to manage, multiply rapidly and spawn many. Scientific classification of Drosophila melanogaster as follows:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Drosophilidae
Genus: Drosophila
Subgenus: Sophophora
Species: Drosophila melanogaster
On the activities of the Morphology of Drosophila, praktikan need some tools that include a microscope, magnifying glass, brushes, rulers and cotton. The materials used are fly Drosophila melanogaster and ether.
The first stage is performed on this activity is praktikan wet the cotton with a few drops of ether, then the cotton is put into containers that have been filled with some of the tails of Drosophila melanogaster. The function of providing a solution of this ether as an anesthetic for the objects of Drosophila. This process is called eterisasi anesthesia. In general, the function of eterisasi is to make the specimen to be passive and easily observed at the time of observation. After waiting several minutes, it seems that Drosophila is not moving or it can be said to pass out due to the influence of ether had been given.
Then select the two tails of Drosophila praktikan which we identify as the Drosophila male and female Drosophila. This identification process praktikan do based on the literature that says that Drosophila males have a smaller body size compared with body size of Drosophila females, this distinction is the distinction of the most common and most easily observed by praktikan because Drosopila itself has a very small body size.
Furthermore, each object is observed by using a magnifying glass or a magnifying glass. From these observations using the loop data showed that for objects of Drosophila females have a body size with a length of about 4mm wide and about 2mm, while for the object of Drosophila males have a body size with a length of about 3mm wide and about 1mm. From observations using a loop, praktikan can only observe the body size of the object, for very small objects and body parts of the object does not look so obvious. Therefore, in order to obtain observations of the morphology in detail, praktikan use the tools in the form of a microscope.
In the microscope observation for the object Drosophila females, obtained the following results:
From these results, praktikan can identify several body parts or morphology of Drosophila females have three pairs of legs, has a round black head, eyes round like a fishnet and red, has the abdomen with six segments of the pointy toes, and had wingstransparent. As for the tentacle and the abdomen is clearly visible.
Obtained from the literature, it is known that Drosophila females have the morphology as follows:
After observing objects with female gender, we then observe the morphology of objects praktikan Drosophila males, and the results are:
Based on these observations, praktikan can identify that in Drosophila males have 3 pairs of legs are numbered or 6 pieces, has a round shaped head, with eyes red with motifs such as nets, have abdominal blunt-ended with 3 segments and have transparent wings. For parts of the body in the form of tentacles, and torax less obvious by praktikan.
The literature mentions that the Drosophila male plumage as follows:
As for features - morphological traits of Drosophila melanogaster in general according to the literature namely:
1.   Body color brownish yellow with black ring at the back of the body.
2.   Small, between 3-5 mm.
3.   Edge of the wing veins (costal vein) has two parts terinteruptus close to his body.
4.   Grouse (Arista) typically in the form of feathers, has a branching 7-12.
5.   Posterior Crossvein generally straight, not curved.
6.   Compound eyes are round rather ellipse and colored red.
7.   There oceli eye on the top of the head with a smaller size than the compound eyes.
8.   Thorax hairy-fur with a white base color, while the five-segmented abdomen and black stripes
9.   Wing length, transparent in color, and position stems from the thorax.

The characteristic that distinguish male and female drosopila, among others:
1. Smaller body size than females
1. Larger body size than males
2. The wings are shorter than the female wing
2. The wing is longer than the male wing
3. There are combs sex (sex comb)
3. There is no sex combs (sex comb)
4. More blunt abdominal tip and black
4. Abdominal tip tapering

In Drosophila melanogaster the observation cycle was conducted for 7 days, starting on May 28, 2011 until June 3, 2011, while catching a fly on May 27, 2011 at about 17:00 which is housed in the home praktikan. The tools and materials needed are jars / bottles, plastic, banana (fresh and starting to rot), carrots, and fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Step work done in this observation is the first catch fruit flies, fruit flies lured to come by incorporating bananas that have started decaying into an empty plastic bag. Then the bottles are stored in the shade. The next step, maintaining the fruit fly.Fruit flies kept in vials containing the media. Media used are made of bananas and a little carrot. Furthermore, observations of the life cycle of fruit flies, noting the changes that occur in fruit flies.
Fruit flies are organisms that have traits that are known and suitable for genetic investigation because it is easy to breed and have a short life cycle. Metamorphosis in Drosophila, including metamorphosis, from egg - larval instars I - larval instar II - III instar larva - pupa - imago.
The development started soon after fertilization, which consists of two periods. First, the embryonic period in the egg during fertilization, until the young larvae hatch from eggs and this occurs within approximately 24 hours. And at times like this, larvae did not stop, stop to eat (Silvia, 2003)
The second period is the period after hatching from the egg and is called the development postembrionik divided into three stages: larva, pupa, and imago (sexually phase with the development of the wing). Other formations on the sexual development occurs in adulthood (Silvia, 2003).
On Friday May 27, 2011 at 17:00 praktikan made arrests and obtained 11 fruit fly flies and put into vials containing medium bananas and carrots begin to rot. On the first day of observation of May 28, 2011 has not changed and the number of flies still 11 tails.
On May 29, 2011 found no one flies that died and have not found any larvae.
In observations dated May 30, 2011 increased 3 dead flies and the larvae have emerged.
The observation was continued again until the first instar larvae began to emerge, ie on May 31, 2011. According to the literature, first instar larvae measuring approximately 0.5 mm, white, and seen some movement (motile). Must be before the larvae, there are eggs but praktikan less scrupulous in observing the eggs and egg likely appear on the media so that the color is less clear. While in theory the Drosophila egg-shaped oval of small objects and is usually placed on the surface of the food. Adult females begin to lay eggs on the second day after the adult flies and increased up to a week until the females laying 50-75 eggs per day and the maximum possible within 10 days of 400-500 fruits.(Silvia, 2003). Drosophila egg is coated by two layers, namely a thin vitellin membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm and a thin but strong membrane (chorion) at the outside and in the anterior part there are two tangkai.tipis. Chorion has a tough outer skin of the egg (Borror, 1992).
Subsequent changes seen during an instar larvae began to swell in size on June 1, 2011, this is called the second instar larvae. In addition, the movement looks more active than first instar larvae. When looking at the emergence of second instar larvae, visible presence of fungal contamination.
The next day ie June 2, 2011, increasingly large larval size and instar larval phase 3 began to appear. The movement of these larvae are active in the media. In theory, Drosophila larvae are white, segmented, shaped like worms, and probing with a black mouth near the head. For respiratory problems in the trachea, there is a pair of spiracles are both located on the anterior and posterior ends (Silvia, 2003).
When the cuticle is no longer soft, young larvae periodically sheds its skin to reach adult size. Discarded the old cuticle and the newly expanded integuments with eating a high speed. During the period of change of skin, called instar larvae. The first instar larvae after hatching until the first change of skin. And indications instar larvae are the size and number of teeth in the mouth black. After the turn of the second skin, the larvae (third instar) until ready to eat form the pupa. In the last stage, the third instar larvae crawl to the top surface of the medium of food to a dry place and stop moving. And if it can be summarized, in Drosophila, cell-cell destruction occurs on a procedural change of larval skin (molting), which takes place four times with three stadia instar: the larvae of instar 1 to instar II instar larvae from instar II to III, from instar III to pupa and from pupa to imago (Ashburner, 1985).
During the meal, the larvae create channels in the medium, and if there are many channels of the culture growth can be said to be going well. Mature larvae usually crawl up on the wall of the bottle or on tissue paper in a bottle. And here the larvae will attach themselves to a dry place with a glue-like fluid produced by the salivary glands and then form a pupa.
Third instar larvae began to be transformed into a white prepupa. Prepupa then turns into a pupa stage on June 3, 2011. And finally emerged imago on June 4, 2011. Long life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster flies from egg to imago in this observation is for 8 days. In theory, when Drosophila larvae form a pupal shell, his body shortens, the cuticle becomes hard and pigmented, without the head and wings are called larval instar 4.Pupa formation characterized by the formation of the head, wing pads and legs.Puparium (outer form pupae) using a cuticle on the third instar. At this stage pupae, larvae in an inactive state, and in these circumstances, the larvae change into adult flies (Ashburner, 1985).
Adult structure was evident during the period of pupal dormancy in the small network the same as in the embryonic stage. Network restrictions preadult (before adulthood) is called anlagen. The main function of the pupa is for development outside of the anlagen to the adult form (Silvia, 2003).
Adults in Drosophila melanogaster in a life cycle about 9 days old. Once out of the pupa, flies the colors are still pale and not spread their wings. Meanwhile, the female fly will marry after the age of 8 hours and will store the sperm in a vast number of male fruit flies. At the anterior end there is mikrophyle, where spermatozoa into the egg. Although many sperm into the mikrophyle but only one that can berfertilisasi with females and the other pronuleus immediately berabsorpsi in the development of embryonic tissue.(Borror, 1992)
The length of the egg changes into imago influenced by environmental conditions such as
• Environmental Temperature
Drosophila melanogaster during the 8-11 day cycles in ideal conditions. Ideal condition in question is the temperature around 25-28 ° C. At this temperature the flies will have one round in an optimal cycle. While at low temperatures, or about 180C, the time required to complete its life cycle is relatively longer and slower that is approximately 18-20 days. At 30 ° C, adult flies that grow will be sterile.

• Availability of Food Media
Drosophila melanogaster number of eggs released will decrease if the shortages of food. Adult fruit flies that lack of food will produce small-sized larvae. These larvae are capable of forming pupae are small, but often fail to develop into mature individuals.Some can become adults who can only produce a few eggs. Viability of the eggs is also influenced by the type and amount of food eaten by the larvae of females (Shorrocks, 1972).
• Density Bottle Maintenance
Bottles should be filled with medium medium sufficient fruit and not too dense. In addition, fruit flies that had bred in the bottle should not be too much, just a few pairs only. In Drosophila melanogaster with the ideal conditions where there is enough space (not too dense) adult individuals can live up to approximately 40 days. However, if the condition of the bottles is too dense medium will lead to declining egg production and the increasing number of deaths in adult individuals.
• Light Intensity
Drosophila melanogaster prefers dim lighting and will experience slower growth during his stay in the dark.

From lab work we have done, it can be concluded that:
1.      General morphology of the fruit fly is
·         body color brownish yellow with black ring at the rear of the body.
·         Measuring small, between 3-5 mm.
·         edge of the wing veins (costal vein) has two parts terinteruptus close to his body.
·         grouse (Arista) typically in the form of feathers, has a branching 7-12.
·         Crossvein posterior is generally straight, not curved.
·         Compound eyes are round rather ellipse and colored red.
·         There oceli eye on the top of the head with a smaller size than the compound eyes.
·         Thorax hairy-fur with a white base color, while the five-segmented abdomen and black stripes.
·         Wing length, transparent in color, and position stems from the thorax.
2.      Differences male and female flies
·         Males: body size is smaller, has 3 abdominal segments, has a comb gender / sex comb, blunt tip of the abdomen.
·         Females: larger body size, has six abdominal segments, have no sex comb, Jung pointed abdomen.
3.      Stages of the life cycle of fruit flies is an egg - larval instars I - larval instar II - III instar larva - pupa - imago.
4.      Long larval phase instar1 about 1 day, second instar larvae about 1 day, third instar larvae about 1 day, and pupae 3 days. Long life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster flies from egg to imago in this experiment is for 8 days. Long the change from egg to imago varies environmental conditions including temperature, lighting, density and food availability.
5.      In maintaining the Drosophila melanogaster, media bottles were cultivated on the environmental conditions are ideal at around 25 ° C. In addition, note the availability of food media. The number of Drosophila melanogaster that is inserted into the bottle quite a few pairs just to make room for living in Drosophila melanogaster. Bottle media should also be put in place by the dim light of the light intensity is not too large.


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